The FMVC have been singing songs, laughing, talking & drinking tea for more than 60 years (although not always in that order).
We meet on Wednesdays & Fridays at 7pm to 9pm at Wilson Street Methodist Church, off Station Lane, Featherstone.
FMVC always welcome new members. All we ask for is a love of singing and a willingness to learn. We don’t audition or expect new members to be able to read music.
Just Turn Up And Have A Go
We are very proud of our dynamic music team – Musical Director, Edward Whelan, and accompanists; Elaine Oakley & Mandy Jones.
FMVC have performed all over the UK and proudly represented our area singing at the Last Post Ceremony in the town of Ypres in Belgium on four occasions.
Last year, we toured Durham & the North East. In October, we’re off to sing in Abercynon, Wales.
Many of our concerts and engagements raise money for charities and a recent concert raised over £4.2k for the Motoneuron Association.
We have a thriving patrons scheme with over 350 members who enjoy a twice yearly newsletter and free concert tickets.
Also, FMVC arrange trips & holidays for members and supporters to enjoy.